Curriculum Vitae
Emad Arniest
Personal Data
Birth date : 22/4/1968
Activities : Video
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-Has Free production company entitle ` NASS Film` 1998
- Work as a free Producer and Dirctor 1998/2005
- Art Consultant in the Field of Free Film - Cairo 2003/2005
- Organized workshops and write subjects about Free films
Solo shows
- Exhibition in the Critics Association of the Egyptian film , October 2002
- Exhibition in Geothe Institute , May 2004
- Exhibition in the Russian Cultural Center - Alexandria , March 2005
Local exhibitions
- Festival of Cinema Institute - Goethe Institute 1996
- Week of Video films , The Supreme Council of Culture , participant by film ( eye of the only hunter) January 2002
- Festival of Ismalia film of the Short and Documentary films , participant by film ( eye of the only hunter) .September 2002
- Festival of the National film , April 2004
- 2nd Exhibition ` Light of Shape` - Palace of Arts , October 2005
International exhibitions
- Festival of New York University ( Hagop Kevorkian Center ) New Egyptian Directors , January 1998
- 2nd International Book Imagination Biennale - Alexandria Library 2005
Publications and activities
- Television Shows of films and programmes on MBC channel , ART channel , and many Nile channels , Nile TV channel and the Cultural Nile since 1992
-The American University in Cairo , Ewart Hall , Graduation projects , November 1993
- Critics Association of the Egyptian films - Graduations projects , September 1994
- Center of Art Creation - group of films related to Free cinema , December 2002
- The participation in the field of Free films as Art Consultant , Organizer and Director 2003/2005
Local recognition
- Jury prize ( Aloe City) , April 2004