Curriculum Vitae
Waheed Badawi Al-Belaqasi
Personal Data
Birth date : 7/5/1962
Place of birth : Kafr Al-Sheikh
Date of death : 14/11/2022
Activities : Graphic - Print
Email :,

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Graphic Department - Alexandria University 1986
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Fine Artist in the General Authority of Culture Palaces ( Al-Gamalia Culture Palace)
Solo shows
- In Cairo Atelier 1990, 1997, 2000
- In Ahmed Shawky Museum 2001
- In Taha Hussien Musuem 2004
- In ` Biekar and Abdel Salam Al-Sherif` galleries - Journalists Syndicate 2007
Local exhibitions
- Participated in around 15 exhibition in Kafr Al-Sheikh Culture Palace from 1982 to 2005
-3rd Port Said National Biennale 1996, 4th 1998, 5th 2001, 6th 2003, 7th 2005
- 29th National Exhibition of Fine Arts 2005
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation ( General exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair) 2007
Local recognition
- Won many prizes from the General Authority of Culture Palaces
Private collection
- At individuals in Egypt, Kuwait, France , Germany , Italy , Saudi Arabia
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art - Cairo