Curriculum Vitae
Abeer Essa Adam Mukhtar
Personal Data
Birth date : 2/1/1974
Activities : Ceremics

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Ceramics Department - Menia University 1996
- Preliminary MA - Ceramics Department - Menia University 1997
- Lecturer in the Faculty of Specify Education - Asuit University - Ceramics Section
Places of interest
- Menia
Solo shows
- In Ahmed Bahaa Al-Dien Culture Palace - Asuit
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of the Student experiments in the Faculty of Fine Arts 1992:1994
- Spring exhibition from 1995: 1997
-10th Youth Salon 1998, 11th 1999, 12th 2000, 13th 2001
- Touches exhibition in Asuit 2001
International exhibitions
-6th Cairo International Biennale of Ceramics 2002
- Scholarship as an Assistant Researcher - Faculty of Fine Arts 1997
Private collection
- At individuals