Curriculum Vitae
Ali Kamel Al-Dieb
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ali Al-Dieb
Birth date : 4/9/1909
Date of death : 8/6/1997
Activities : Painting

- Graduated from High School of Fine Arts 1933 - Painting - Cairo .
- Member of the Egyptian Syndicate of Fine Artists .
- Member of Association of Fine Arts Lovers .
- Founder member of Association of Cairo Atelier .
- Head of Association of Mukhtar friends .
- Worked in the Agricultural Museum in Dokki 1934 (painter) then manager of the Museum - Manager of the International and Regional exhibitions and museums
- Artistic consultant of Administration of the General affairs of the Military army
- delegated to Administration of Fine Arts .
Places of interest
- Cairo .
- Lived a period after his graduation in France and Italy .
Solo shows
- In 1937 at `Freedman and Goldenberg` gallery - Qasr Al-Nile Street .
Local exhibitions
- Participated in the Fine Arts movement from the General exhibitions till the 24th National exhibition 1996 .
- Participated in Exhibition of the Contemporary Fine Arts in the Arab countries 1985
- Participated in Cairo`s Salon of Association of Fine Arts Lovers .
- At Sefr Khan gallery - Zamalek 2006 .
International exhibitions
- Participated in Venicia International Biennale 1938 .
- Scholarship to France and Italy after graduation .
- Member of Jury Committees of Encouragement State prizes and the General competitions .
- Member of Jury Committees of State prizes of Merit in Arts .
- Represented Egypt in Vencia International Biennale 1938 .
- Revolution Museum .
- Organization of Science, Culture and Education invited him to cast lectures in the Arab course of Museums in Baghdad 1977 .
- The Arab organization of Agriculture Development delegated him to Amman to study countryside society and set plan through the Agriculture exhibitions
- Wrote research about ` Our Fine folklore .
International recognition
- Honory prize and Medal from Paris International exhibition 1937 .
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art .
- The Agriculture Museum .
- Wax Museum .
- Museum of Civilization .