Curriculum Vitae
Tawfiek Abdel Malak Tawfiek
Personal Data
Fame Name : Tawfiek Abdel Malak
Birth date : 19/3/1953
Place of birth : Al-Qalioubia
Activities : Sculpture

- Diploma of the Industrial Secondary Schools 1971
- Member of Shoubra Al-Khaima Culture Palace
- Production supervisor in 27 Military Factory from 1972 to 2004
- Currently retired
Places of interest
- Cairo
Solo shows
- Exhibition in Biekar Hall - Journalists Syndicate 2005
- Exhibition in `Abdel Salam Al-Sherif` Hall - Journalists Syndicate , July 2005
Local exhibitions
- Participated in all exhibitions which organized by the Labour Culture Palace - Shoubra Al-Khaima
- Exhibition of Festival Reading for all 2002, 2003, 2004
- Exhibition of Celebrations of Ramadan 2002, 2003, 2004
State collection
- Al-Fayum