Curriculum Vitae
Awani Hakieel Ali Ahmed Hakieel
Personal Data
Fame Name : Awani Hakieel
Birth date : 5/7/1936
Place of birth : Giza
Date of death : /3/2003
Activities : Sculpture

- Free studies in Faculty of Applied Arts 1957/1958 .
- Free studies in the American University 1958/1959 .
- Sculptor in the Agriculture Museum from 1966 till 1972
- Employee in Fine Arts Sector .
Places of interest
- Cairo - Sohag - Alexandria .
Solo shows
- At Library of the American University 1958,1960
- At Akhenaton gallery 1969
- At Cairo Atelier 1974
- At Cairo Atelier 1977 - Sculpture and Painting
- At Al-Salam gallery 1982 - Sculpture
- In 2001 .
Local exhibitions
- Exhibitions of Salon , many times from 1960
- Exhibition of Applied art ,many times from 1961
- Exhibition of Association of Cairo Atelier , many times from 1964
- Exhibition of Artist/ Hassan Al-Agatty and his students at `Akhenaton 2`gallery - Arts Center , Zamalek , April 1990
- 27th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2001 .
International exhibitions
- Respresnted Egypt many times in
- Alexandria Biennale 1975 .
- Egypt`s Day in the United States 1981 .
- Exhibition of the Egyptian art in Canada 1982 .
- Scholarship from Ministry of Culture for 6 years 1992:1997 .
- He has a number of sculpturing works at the front doors and entrances of several Ministries and institutions as the entrance of International Egyptian Center of Agriculture.
- sculpturing tableau at the main entrance of Industry Authority (Garden City)
- Momentum of the Military Factory 333, Suez Road.
- sculpturing tableau at the main entrance of North Cairo Electrical Station.
- 2 fountains of Egypt Air with the statue of Horas Head for each, at the entrance of Zagazig, and Faculty of Medicine, Ein Shams .
Local recognition
- Prize of Merit 1974 .
- Encouragement prize (Competition of 10th of Ramadan City) 1979 .
- Prize of Merit `Competition of Saddat City` 1980 .
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt and abroad .
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art - Cairo .
- The Agriculture Museum .
- Museum of Faculty of Fine Arts - Menia .
- Museum of the National Theatre .
- The Egyptian Opera House .
- Conferences Center .
- Textiles Center - Helwan .