Curriculum Vitae
Eman Mohamed al Sayed Mousa El Banna
Personal Data
Fame Name : Eman El Banna
Birth date : 28/4/1976
Activities : Graphic
Email :

- BA , Faculty of Applied Arts - Ornamentation , Helwan University , 1998 .
- MA in Applied Arts , 2003 .
- PhD of Philosophy of Applied Arts, Helwan University 2008 .
- Member of Syndicate of Applied Arts designers .
- Member of Syndicate of Fine artists .
- Lecturer in Ornamentation Department Helwan University 1998 : 2003 .
- Assistant Instructor , Faculty of Applied Arts , Ornamentation Department - Helwan University 2003 : 2007 .
Solo shows
- At the Faculty of Applied Arts 2003 .
Local exhibitions
- Exhibitions at the Faculty of Applied Arts 1998 :2000 .
- 43rd Pioneers Exhibitions 2003, 44th 2004- Fine Arts Lovers Association , Cairo ,
- Cairo Atelier 2002 .
- 17th Youth Salon 2005 .
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation , ( 18th Youth Salon , 2007 ) .
- 2nd Festival of Fine Creation (19th Youth Salon 2008) .
- 3rd Festival of Fine Creation(20th Youth Salon 2009) .
- 8th Port Said National Biennale 2009 .
International exhibitions
- At Academy of Art and design - Germany .
Publications and activities
- participated in many workshops in Egypt and Germany in Zencography , wood engraving , artificial designing Photography and Painting , 1996 : 2007 .
Local recognition
- Scientifice Supremacy from Giza Artists and Press Association , 1999 .
- Rateb Sedek Prize , Cairo Atelier , 2002 .