Curriculum Vitae
Isalam Kamal Abdel Aziz .
Personal Data
Birth date : 24/1/1978
Activities : Photography
Email :

-BA from the Faculty of Fine Arts , Painting , Alexandria University 2001 .
Works as a registration official for multi media at the Faculty of Fine Arts
-Participates in Films as a filming director .
Local exhibitions
Youth of the Atelier exhibition , for Photography , 1999 .
-Immegrants Exhibition 1999 .
-Thoughts and Art 21 Salon , Geothe Institute , 2000 .
-Nagy Salon , 2000 .
-The General exhibition of the Faculty , Photography .2000 .
-Black and White exhibition , The French Cultural Center , Photography 2001 .
-Nagy Salon exhibition , Painting , 2001 .
-Graduation Projects Exhibition , Photography , Arts Museum 2002 .
-Youth of the Atelier exhibition , for Photography 2002 .
-The Portraite of The Atelier exhibition . 2002 .
-Group Exhibition ( five Artists ) Taste Palace .
-Thoughts and Art 21 Salon ,( Civilizations Conflict ) , Ghote Institue 2002 .
-17th Youth Salon , 2005 .
-Sharing with ( City Report ) short movie, in the 2nd Encounter of Independent Films ,
-Al Gazwet Culture Center .
-Participating in the National Festival for Cinema , with ( City Report ) , 2005 .
-Participating in the Festival of Independent Movies for youth , at the French Culture Center
-Participated in the National Film Festival with ( Ikaros ) movie , 2005 .
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation (18th Youth Salon 2007)
International exhibitions
- Exhibition of 3rd workshop in Photography at galleries of Alexandria Atelier , April 2008
Working within the Team of Restoring Royal Palaces under the supervision of Dr/ Adel Al Masry .
-With the executive team of Ahmed Zwail Square wall , designed by Dr/ Mohamed Salem .
Publications and activities
Workshops at the Foreigner Culture Centers in Alexandria .
-A workshop with Artists Nabil Botros about analyzing the Photo .
-A workshop with the Swidish artist / Irleng Erricson about Making Cartoon Movies .
--A workshop with the Critic Kmal Ramzy around the Fundamentals of Cinematic Criticism
-A workshop with The filming director Ahmed Al Morsy about The Filming Arts of the Digital video Technique .
-A workshop with the directors Abdel Fatah Kamal and Samy Hossam about the script writing .
-A workshop with the Montier Tamer Ezzat about the theories and arts of Montage in video and cinema .
-A workshop with the Montier Ahmed Abdallah around movies layout using the digital video .
-A workshop with production manager Mohamed Tohamy about production management in video and cinema .
-Taking part in in the training workshop of Semat ( Features ) group for two years ,
( Independent Cinematics for production and distribution .)
-A workshop with the director Islam Al -Azzazy about the Independent Cinema and the art of film directing .
Local recognition
A prize in Photography from the Atelier Youth Salon 2004 .