Curriculum Vitae
Shady Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Dweeb
Personal Data
Fame Name : Shady Dweeb
Birth date : 8/5/1971
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Sculpture

- Technical diploma in carpentry.
- Freelance artist.
- Technical restoration worker at the Center of Conservation and Restoration Researches, Sector of Fine Arts, the Ministry of Culture.
Solo shows
- 1st Solo exhibition in Islamic Ceramics Center ( Amr Ibrahim) - November 2006 .
- At ` Abdel Salam Al-Sherif` gallery - Journalists Syndicate 2006 .
- At Cairo Atelier - April 2006 .
- At Portrait Gallery . Juen 2007 .
- At Tahia Haliem gallery , Cairo Atelier April 2009 .
- Exhibiton at The Creation Center 6 of October City 2010 .
Local exhibitions
- Exhibiton “From Heart”,at Cairo Atelier, 2003.
- The 17th Youth Salon, 2005.
- The 29th National Art Exhibition, 2005.
- Salon of Circle Mini Works of Art - Portrait gallery - Down Town 2006 .
- Collective exhibition at Portrait gallery - August 2006 .
- 1nd Festival of Fine Creation (30 st General exhibition) 2007 .
- 2nd Festival of Fine Creation (31st General exhibition) 2008 .
Private collection
- Among collections of art lovers in Egypt.
State collection
- The Ministry of Culture.