Curriculum Vitae
Bothaina Al-Said Mohamed Al-Dardiery
Personal Data
Fame Name : Bothaina Al-Dardiery
Birth date : 15/7/1942
Activities : Painting

- BA of Arts and Education 1963 .
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists .
- Member of the Syndication of Educational Professions .
- General guide of Art Education .
Solo shows
- Solo exhibitons on Amman Sultante , Kingdom of Saudi Arabi .
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of the single piece .
- Exhibition of Fine Art Fair - Bab Al-Louq Hall .
- The participation in the exhibitions which held by the Authority of Culture palaces in Cairo , Shebeen Al-Koum , Tanta .
- 1st Salon of Artists of the regions - Cairo Atelier
- 3rd Port Said National Biennale 1996
- 7th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2004 .