Curriculum Vitae
Nagah Sedeky Ahmed
Personal Data
Fame Name : Nagah Sedeky
Birth date : 1/10/1966
Activities : Drawing
Email :

- BA of Commerce - Accounting Department 1991 - Cairo University
- Free studies in Fine Arts for 6 months
- Member of the National Association of Fine Arts
- Worked in British Nursery School - Maadi
- Worked as an accountant in Helnan Shebard Hotels
- Worked as a receptionist in Jolly Ville hotels
- Worked as a receptionist in Winter Palace Hotel - Luxor
Local exhibitions
- In Al-Hanager Hall 2002
- In the Shooting Club 2002
- In Cairo Atelier 2002
- In the Indian Cultural Center 2002
- 5th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2002
-In `Tahia Haliem` Hall - Cairo Atelier 2003
Publications and activities
- Workshop in Al-Hanager Hall 2002