Curriculum Vitae
Abbass Mukhtar Al-Tarabily
Personal Data
Fame Name : Abbass Al-Tarabily
Birth date : 26/4/1944
Place of birth : Port Said
Activities : Graphic - Print
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Engraving Department ( Garphic) - Alexandria University 1967
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists 3079/483 Engraving
- Head of Fine Arts Committee in the Supreme Council of Culture in Port Said
- Head of Association of Port Said Artists and Writers
- Deputy of Menia Culture Palace - and Asuit Culture Palace
Places of interest
- Port Said , Alexandria
Solo shows
- At Port Said Culture Palace 1968
- At gallery of Cairo Atelier 1997
- Joint exhibition ` Water Colors` at Khan Al-Maghraby gallery - Zamalek 2001
- Exhibition ` Graphic` at Cairo Atelier 2001
- At Ibn Loqman House in Mansoura National Museum , December 2007
Local exhibitions
- 1st Autumn Salon ( Salon of Mini Works of Art) 1997
- Competition of the Moral Guidance Administration in the Military Army - October celebrations 1998,1999
- 26th National exhibition of Fine Arts 1999
- Ambulant exhibition of the General Authority of Culture Palaces - Faculty of Fine Arts - Alexandria , Asuit Culture Palace , Menia Culture Palace , Al-Tazwaq Palace in Sidi Gaber , Alexandria 2000
- 27th and 28th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2001,2003 .
International exhibitions
- Exhibition of Port Said Artists - Russia 1990
- 2nd and 3rd Egypt International Triennale of Graphic 1996,1999
- Exhibition of the Contemporary Egyptian Art - Al-Khartoum - Sudan 2005
- Member of Jury Committee of 4th Port Said National Biennale 1998
Local recognition
- 2nd prize - Painting - 1st Port Said National Biennale 1992
- 1st prize - Drawing - 2nd Port Said National Biennale 1994
- Grand prize - 3rd Port Said National Biennale 1996
- Prize of Theatre Decor 1996
- 2nd prize - Engraving Canal Salon - Ismalia 2000
Private collection
- At individuals in Egypt , Italy and America
State collection
-Egyptian Modern Art Museum
- Ministry of Culture