Curriculum Vitae
Farouk Wagdy Ibrahim
Personal Data
Fame Name : Farouk Wagdy
Birth date : 26/6/1936
Place of birth : Kafr Al-Shaikh
Date of death : 16/9/2012
Activities : Painting
Email :

- BA in Applied Arts- Ornament and glass- 1960.
- of the Fine Artists Syndicate 610\ 2197.
- of the Applied Arts Designers
- teacher for secondary stages.
- advance in posts till he became a councellor.
- worked in art teaching.
- worked for a while in press and decor.
Places of interest
- Cairo
- Kafr El-Shaikh (Desouk- Al-Saf)
Solo shows
- Escad Exhibition- 1990.
- at Al-Shouna gallery- about the childern games- 1991.
- a comprehensive exhibition- The Fine Art Gallery- 1992.
- at Al-Salam Hotel- 1992.
- at the Fine Art Gallery- Opera House- 1993.
- exhibition about The Mother- Meridian Hotel- 1994.
- at Ekhnatoun Gallery- 1994.
- roving exhibition- Tanta Culture Centers- 1994.
- at Ekhnatoun gallery- Zamalek Art Center- 1995.
- at Rayash gallery Zamalek- 1995.
- A Diplomates Exhibition- Zamalek- 2000.
- at Kurdoba gallery- Mohandsin- 2006.
- `Dancing on Egypt`s Land` Kurdoba gallery- Mohandessen- 2007.
Local exhibitions
- The Pioneers Exhibitions 1960:1965.
- Cairo Salon Exhibitions 1960:1969.
- The Revolution Exhibitions in 10 years 1962.
- The Mother Exhibition- Alkarama- 1970.
- A Roving Exhibition- in the Canal Cities.
- A Roving Exhibition- Sohag Cities.
- the Man and Water exhibition- 1988.
- Khan Al-Salam Exhibition- Al-Salam Hotel- 1989.
- Heliopolis Artists Exhibition- 1989- 1995.
- Ahlia Society Salons- 1991.
- the National Exhibition- 1991- 1999.
- the Portrait Exhibition- The Opera - 1992.
- 3+1- Rayash Gallery- Cairo- 1997.
- A group Exhibition- Orient Express gallery- 1999.
- Exhibition at Rayash gallery- Cairo- 1999.
- The National Fine Art Exhibition- 26\ 1999.
- The National Fine Art Exhibition- 28\ 2003.
- 1st Drawing Salon (Black and white)- Gezira Art Center- 2004.
- 7th Small Works Salon- 2004.
- Ramadan Nights exhibition- Shadecor Gallery- Heliopolis- 2006.
- Al-Hadil Triology- Kurdoba Gallery- Mohandseen- 2006.
- at Kurdoba Gallery- Mohandsin- 2007.
- 1st Fine Creation Festival (General Exhibition and the 1st Fine Art Fair) 2007.
- The Sketches and Small Portraits Festival- Shadecor Gallery- Heliopolis- 2008.
- The 20th saloon of National Association of Fine Arts at the hall of Fine Arts and Musical Liberary at Opera House, February, 2008.
- The 2nd Fine creative festival (31st period of general exhibition), 2008.
International exhibitions
- Barcilona Biennale- 1972.
- the Portrait Competition- France- 1972.
- The Disarmament Exhibition- the UN- 1988.
Publications and activities
- wrote a group of books about the history of ornament and the ceramics design and industry.
- the first to draw tunes of Mohamed Abdel-Wahab, as he drew 29 songs exhibited at Salama Gallery.
Local recognition
- Medals and Certificates from the National Exhibition and the small Portraits Exhibition.
- 2nd award from the FAO.
International recognition
- certificate of merit from The UN- The Disarmament Exhibition- 1988.
Private collection
- at art lovers in Egypt, UAE, KSA, Jordan, lebanon, USA, Canada, Belgium, Korea and Nigeria.
State collection
- Ministry of Culture.
- The Egyptian Modern Art Museum- Cairo.
- Egypt Opera House.
- Mubarak Library.
- Ministry of Foriegn Affairs.
- The Presidency.
- The Conference Center- Sharm Al-Shaikh.
- Egypt Embassy- Japan.
- Stella De Mare- Sukhna.
- Meridian Hotel- Cairo