Curriculum Vitae
Mahmoud Sami Othman Mohamed
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mahmoud Sami
Birth date : 22/5/1941
Place of birth : Cairo
Date of death : 14/8/2011
Activities : Sculpture
Email :

- BA of Arts and Education 1964 - Design Section
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists
- From 1964 to 1971, work as a Teacher of Art Education in Maadi Secondary School - Cairo
-From 1971 to 1998 , work as a Teacher of Art Education in Al-Zahran School - The Eastern Area - Saudi Arabia
- Currently Freelance Fine Artist
Solo shows
- Exhibition entitle ( Museum × Exhibition) in `Kalema` Gallery , Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy , June 2005
Local exhibitions
- 2nd Exhibition of Applied Art in Egypt 1963 - Metals
- Exhibition of the Youth Fine Artists 1964 - Sculpture
- All School and Collective exhibitions of Art Education in Egypt and Saudi Arabia since his graduation till 1998
- Exhibition of Painting - Jeddah ( Saudi Arabia)
- Exhibition of Teachers ( Arts) in the Western Area 1996 - Painting - Jeddah ( Saudi Arabia)
- Exhibition of Teachers of Arts in the Eastern Area 1998 - Al-Damam ( Saudi Arabia)
- 2nd Exhibition of the Scientific innovations of students of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia which held in Al-Damam 1998 ( Design Logo of the exhibition)
- All Collective exhibitions of Art Education in Egypt and Saudi Arabia since graduation and till now 1998
Local recognition
- Various Certificates and medals inside Egypt :
- 3rd prize in the 2nd exhibition of the Egyptian Applied Art - Cairo 1963 .
International recognition
- Various Certificates and medals inside Saudi Arabia :
- 3rd prize (Design) Logo of the Saudi Commercial National Bank - Global competition 1975 .
- Logo prize of 2nd Exhibition of the Scientific innovations of Students of Schools of Arab Kingdom which held in Al-Damam - (Design) 1998 .
Private collection
- At many Famous and Public characters inside Egypt and abroad .
State collection
- The Egyptian Ministry of Culture .
- Ministry of pilgrimage ( Minister office in Jeddah) .
- The Saudi Commercial National Bank - Jeddan - Saudi .