Curriculum Vitae
Mostafa Samir Mostafa Mohamed al Azrak
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mostafa al Azrak
Birth date : 1/9/1984
Place of birth : , Mania
Activities : Graphic
Email :

BA from Faculty of Fine Arts - Mania University 2006.
Local exhibitions
Participated in a lot of Student exhibitions 2003.
- Exhibition ( Arabic Calligraphy) 2003,2004.
- Exhibitions in the Faculty of Fine Arts 2004
- Exhibition of Arts Sympsoium 2004.
- Exhibition of Spring Tail 2004.
- The Creation Competition of Media Science - Dubai Festival 2004.
-7th Salon of Mini Works 2004.
-16th Youth Salon 2004.
-Exhibitions in Mania Culture Palace
- Exhibition of Mania University l Acquisitions 2005.
-17th Youth Salon 2005.
-Spring Salon 2006.
-1st Festival of Fine Creation (18th Youth Salon 2007)
- 47th Pioneers ( Association of Fine Arts Lovers) 2007
-2nd Festival of Fine Creation (19th Youth Salon 2008)
International exhibitions
1st International Alexandria Library Biennal of Artist Book 2004.
Local recognition
The third prize in the Exhibition of Spring Tail 2004.
- The First prize in the fied of printed designs and drawing in the Symposium of Arabe Univeristies in South Valley 2006.
-Certificate of Merit from Spring Salon - Painting 2006.
Private collection
At individuals in Egypt
State collection
Mania University
-Faculty of Fine Arts - Mania