Curriculum Vitae
Sherif Mustafa Khadr
Personal Data
Fame Name : Sherif Khadr
Birth date : 25/9/1978
Place of birth : Bahaira
Activities : Sculpture
Email :

- BA of Specify Education - Alexandria University 2000
- Diploma in Art Education - Textile - Specify Education - Tanta University 2005
- Preliminary MA in Specify Education , Mansoura University 2006
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists - Alexandria
- Member of Syndicate of Educational professions
- Teacher of Art Education
- Lecturer of Fine Arts - Faculty of Education - Damahur branch - Alexandria University 2001/2002
- Lecturer of Textile, Department of Art Education, Faculty of Specify Education , Alexandria University 2004/2005
- Lecturer of Art works , Department of Art Education , Faculty of Specify Education , Alexandria University 2004/2005
Solo shows
- Exhibition (Visions) at Al-Tazawq Palace in Sidi Gaber , Alexandria 2005
Local exhibitions
- Exhibitions of Damanhur Culture Palace 1995/1997
- Exhibitions of Faculty of Specify Education 1996/2000
-- Exhibition of Alexandria University 1998
-Exhibition of Fine Arts of family of Alexandria University 1999
-Exhibitions in Education and Teaching 2001/2005
- Exhibition of 7th Nagy Salon at Al-Anfoshi Culture Palace 2002
-6th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2003
- Exhibition of Nagy Salon in Al-Anfoshi Culture Palace 2007
Local recognition
- Certificate of Merit from Faculty of Specify Education , Alexandria University 1998/1999
- Certificate of Merit from Faculty of Specify Education 1998/1999
- Certificate of Merit from Tarek Ibn Ziad Secondary School , Alexandria 1999/2000
- Certificate of congrtulation from President/ Mohamed Hosni Mubarak and the 7th position of the level of Faculty of Specify Education - Alexandria University 2001
- Certificate from computer unit - Faculty of Commerce , Alexandria University 2001
- Certificate from computer unit, Faculty of Commerce, Alexandria University for program English for work
- Certificate of Alexandria governorate - Administrative training Center 2001
- Certificate of Merit from Ministry of Education and Teaching in the field of Art Education 2003
- Certificate of Merit from Ministry of Education and Teaching for the best teacher 2005