Curriculum Vitae
Mohamed Said Abbass Mahmoud Ali
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mohamed Abbass
Birth date : 21/8/1976
Place of birth : Bani Swief
Activities : Painting
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Painting Department - General Section - Alexandria University 2000
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists ( Painting)
- In Animation field in Matrix company of Art production since 2003 till now
- Interior designer in E.I.G company of Decor and Architecture
- Worked in Institute of High Studies and researches - Alexandria University from 1997 to 2003
- In poster and business cards field
- The participation in making advertising and news of ONYX company - Alexandria 2002
Local exhibitions
-Competition of invention Caricatutest Characters by nomination from the Egyptian Ministry of Culture 1992
- Exhibition of Youth Salon - Alexandria Atelier of Writers and Artists 1997
- Exhibition of 2nd Nagy Salon - Al-Anfoshy Culture Palace 1997
- Exhibition of Fine Art - Bani Swief Culture Palace 1997
- Exhibition of Youth Salon - Al-Anfoshy Culture Palace - 4th Nagy Salon of Fine Arts 1998
- Exhibition of Fine Arts - Bani Swief Culture Palace 1998
- Exhibition of Youth Salon - Alexandria Atelier of Writers and Artists 1998
- Exhibition of Peace festival of Fine Arts - Tunisie - in nomination from Ministry of Culture 1998
- Exhibition of Fine Arts - Bani Swief Culture Palace 1999
- Exhibition of Graduation projects - Faculty of Fine Arts - Alexandria 2000
- Exhibition of Fine Art - Bani Swief Culture Palace 2000
- Exhibition of Youth Salon - Alexandria Atelier of Writers and Artists 2000
- Exhibition of Students of Fine Arts Faculty - Alexandria - Al-Tazawuq Palace 2000
- Exhibition in Alexandria 2000
- Mural work of Children in Al-Shatabi Hospital - Alexandria 1998
- Mural inside Palace of engineer/ Mohamed Tag Al-Dien - King Mariout Area 1999
- The Participation in Mural works
- Made decor of House of Engineer/ Amani Hamza in Al-Sheikh Zaid Village - 6 October City - Cairo
- Made illustrative drawings of some Scientific books like: 7th International Arab Conference - All news of Alexandria and limitation of the Environmental pollution ( P3 + some energy books)
-The participation in the illustrative drawings and some prints of the 5th and 6th International Conference of the Arab Association of Science - Helanan Palestine Hotel - Al-Montazha - Alexandria
- Worked in the Alexandrian project and the limitation of Environmental pollution P3 since 1997
Local recognition
- 13th position in competition of invention Caricaturest Characters 1992
- 1st and 4th Fine prize - Painting - 2nd Annual Nagy Salon of Youth 1997, Certificate of Merit
- Won many prizes from Bani Swief Culture Palace in Fine exhibitions from 1997 to 2000
-Prize of Comings Club in Fine Art 2000 + Club Medal + Certificate of Merit
Private collection
- At individuals inside Egypt
State collection
- Bani Swief Culture Palace
- How Hotel - Luxor