Curriculum Vitae
Mohamed Hamed Al-Said Al-Bazra
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mohamed Al-Bazra
Birth date : 13/4/1980
Place of birth : Al-Sharkia
Activities : Ceremics
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University - Zamalek
- Lecturer in the Faculty of Art Education - Ceramics Department
Local exhibitions
-2nd Salon of Mini Works of Art 1998
- General exhibition of Family and Fine Arts - Helwan University 2000, 2001, 2002
-5th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2002
- Exhibition of Fine Arts - Helwan University 2002
- Exhibition `Art visions` of Teaching staff - Opera House 2003
- 6th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2003
- 1st Drawing Salon ( Black - White) Geizira Center of Arts , May 2004
Local recognition
- 1st prize - General exhibition of Family and Fine Arts - Helwan University 2000
- 1st prize - General exhibition of Family and Fine Arts - Helwan University 2001
-2nd prize - General exhibition of Family and Fine Arts - Helwan University 2002
State collection
- Minsitry of Culture