Curriculum Vitae
Mohamed Abdel Hamid Ahmed Al-Geunidi
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mohamed Al-Geunidi
Birth date : 21/2/1982
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Graphic - Print
Email : ,

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Graphic Department - Animation and Book Art Section 2003
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Fine Artist
- Training in Radio and Television building
- Worked in the Art Departments in Suzan Mubarak Museum of Child
- filming many series about arts of Child in the Television
- Press painter in one of the Weekly newspaper
Local exhibitions
- Participated in competitions of Ministry of Environment
- Collective exhibition in the Faculty of veterinary medicine - Qena 1999
- Exhibition ( Searching for roots) Gallery of Faculty of Fine Arts - Luxor 2000
- Exhibition of Youth of Universities Forum - Gallery of the Faculty 2001, 2002
- Exhibition `The participation in the Palestine Intifada` 2002
- 5th Exhibition of Fine Arts ` Saad Al-Dien Wahba Festival` 2002
- Exhibition of Youth of Universities Forum - Asuit 2003
- Exhibition (Arts) Faculty of Fine Arts - Luxor 2003
- 6th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2003
-28th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2003
- 8th Annual Nagy Salon of Youth - Alexandria 2003
- The General Competition of Fine Arts ( Egypt talks about herself) 2004
- 44th Pioneers exhibition - Association of Fine Arts Lovers 2004
- 7th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2004
-16th Youth Salon 2004
- 9th Annual Nagy Salon of Youth - Alexandria 2004
- 45th Pioneers exhibition - Association of Fine Arts Lovers 2005
- 3rd National Exhibition of Graphic 2005
- Scholarship to Luxor Studio - Authority of Culture palaces 2004
Publications and activities
- Participated in Film (Storm) Puppets - The National Center of Cinema 2004
- Decor of ( am and my brother) - puppets - The National Center of Cinema
- Sculpture workshop of Children - Mahmoud Mukhtar Museum
- Workshop of Print - Suzan Mubarak Museum of Child
- Workshop of Using Calligraphy in design - Suzan Mubarak Museum of Child
- Designer of book covers in one of the publication houses
Local recognition
- Certificate of Merit from Ministry of Environment
- Certificate of Merit from Saad Al-Dien Wahba Festival 2002
- Certificate of Merit from Faculty of Fine Arts - Luxor 2003
- Certificate of Merit from Ministry of Education
- Encouragment prize in the General Competition of Fine Arts
- Certificate of Merit from the General Authority of Culture Palaces
-Certificate of Merit from Al-Anfoshi Culture Palace
- Encouragment prize from 44th Pioneers exhibition - Association of Fine Arts Lovers 2004
Private collection
- At individuals in Egypt
State collection
- Faculty of Fine Arts - Luxor
- Authority of Culture Palaces .
-15 May Center