Curriculum Vitae
Nadia Abdel Moaatai Mohamed
Personal Data
Fame Name : Nadia Abdel Moaatai
Birth date : 1/2/1945
Activities : Painting

- BA of Specify Education - Painting Department - Ain Shams University
- PhD in Painting - Diploma in Mural painting - Spain
- Assistant professor in Painting Department - Faculty of Specify Education - Ain Shams University
Solo shows
- Staged 5 Solo painting exhibitions in different galleries like: Saray Al-Nasr gallery , Ahmed Shawky gallery , Bani Swief and Al-Sharkia Culture Palace
Local exhibitions
- Participated in many sessions in Spring , Pioneers , Youth , Salon , Al-Ghury artists , Nature and Hertiage exhibitions
- 28th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2003
International exhibitions
- Participated in exhibitions in Academy of Arts - Spain