Curriculum Vitae
Manal Mohamed Al-Said Al-Khoudary
Personal Data
Birth date : 24/2/1971
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Sculpture

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Sculpture Department - Helwan University 1993
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Member of Cairo Atelier
- Worked in Atelier of Sculptor prof/ Mahmoud Mabrouk from 1994:1997
- Worked in Institute and Museum of Prof/ Hassan Ragab of Papyrus from 1997:1999
- Fine artist in the Pharoanic Village from 1999 till now , make statues of Village museum and for foreign export
Local exhibitions
-5th Youth Salon 1993 - Cairo
-1st Salon of Mini Works of Art 1997 - Cairo
- Collective exhibition in the Italian Cultural Center entitle ( Egyptian colors) 2000 - Cairo
- 28th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2003 - Cairo
- Execute statues and accessories of Film ` Al-Mohager` of Youssef Shahien 1993 , Film ` Love in the refrigerator` of Saeed Hamed 1991