Curriculum Vitae
Amany Farouk Ramadan Ismail
Personal Data
Fame Name : Amany Farouk
Birth date : 18/3/1975
Place of birth : Alexandria
Activities : Graphic
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- Graduated in printmaking department of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria Uiversity,1997.
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Instructor at the Faculty of Fine Arts , Alexandria Univeristy.
Local exhibitions
- The First Nagy Salon for Youth, Anfoushy Cultural Palace, 1996.
- The Art Festival of Alexandria Univeristy, 1996,1997.
- Exhibition of graduated of 1997, at Alexandria Atelier.
- Exhibition of the feminine artists of print and sculpture at Mahmoud Said Museum in Alexandria, 2001.
- The Youth Exhibition at Alexandria Atelier, 2001.
- The Youth Exhibition of the Patriotic Party at Alexandria Creativity Center, 2003.
- The 28th National Art Exhibition, 2003.
- Fine Arts Day at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria, 2003.
- Tip of the Time Egypt –Palestine, at Alexandria Atelier, 2004.
- Tableaus for every house, Dega art gallery, Alexadria, 2004.
- The Youth Salon at Alexandria Atelier, 2004.
- Selected Egyptian Graphic Art in the 20th Century, Alexandria Library, 2004.
- The General Art Contest at Cairo Opera House, 2004.
- The 7th Salon of Mini Works of Art, 2004.
- “Alexandria Feminine Artists”, at Anfoushy Cultural Palace, 2004,2005.
- The 9th, 10th Nagy Salon for Youth, Anfoushy Cultural Palace, 2004,2005.
- “Al-Thagher Artists”, at Anfoushy Cultural Palace, 2005.
- Anniversary of the Egyptian Pioneer Painting Artist Mahmoud Said, at the Mahmoud - Said Center of Museums, Alexandria, 2005.
- The Art Edition between Reality and Fancy, 2005.
- The 29th National Art Exhibition, 2005.
International exhibitions
- The Premier Alexandria International Salon in Alexandria Atelier, 2006.
- Triennale Egypt International 5 of Graphic 2006 .
Local recognition
- Merit certificates from the Cultural Art Festival, 1996,1997.
- Medal of recognition from the Cultural Art Festival, 1997.
- Medal of recognition Salon Nagi 9 and 10 2004 , 2005 .
- Encouraging prize from The General Art Contest, 2004 .