Curriculum Vitae
Khaled Mohammed Hamed Hassanin
Personal Data
Fame Name : Khaled Hamed
Birth date : 23/5/1976
Place of birth : Assuit
Activities : Sculpture
Email :,

Graduated from the Faculty of Art Education, Assuit University, 2000.
- Member of Cairo Atelier
Freelance artist
Places of interest
Solo shows
Exhibition at Tahia Haleem art gallery, Cairo Ateleir,2005.
- Exhibition of Kafi Delmar - Hurghada 2006
- At Sharzad Gallery - Marsa Alam 2007
- At `Engy Aflatoun` gallery - Cairo Atelier 2007
Local exhibitions
Exhibition of Youth and Sports, 1998.
The Week of Youth of Universities, Cairo, 1999.
Exhibition organized by the Ministry of High Education, 1999.
Group show at Assuit Cultural Palace, 2001.
The 13h, 14th Youth Salon, Arts Palace, Opera, 2001,2002.
The Spring exhibition, on celebration of Assuit National Day, 2003.
Youth Salon of Assuit Cultural Palace, 2003.
Mahrossa Nights.
The 28th National Art Exhibition, 2003.
The 6th Port Said Biennale, 2003.
The 21st Youth Salon of Assuit Cultural Palace, 2003.
The 29th National Art Exhibition, 2005.
-Dual exhibition with artist/ Reda Abdel Rahman - Hurghada 2005
- Collective exhibition in Asuit University 2007
- Collective exhibition in the German consular - Hurghada 2008
Luxor Studios Scholarship, 2002.
Local and international Who's Who
The Youth Salon Encyclopedia, Third Edition, edited by critic / Mohammed Hamza, Sector of Fine Arts Publication, 2004.
Publications and activities
Art workshops at Gamssa City,1998.
- Workshops of 17th Youth Salon 2005
Local recognition
- 1st prize - the National exhibition of Sport and Youth - Cairo 2004
- 1st prize - Sculpture - Pioneers festival - Asuit Culture Palace 2007
Private collection
- At art lovers in Germany , Egypt, Austria , Hungary, Cyprus