Curriculum Vitae
Fekri Mohamed Oukasha Hassan
Personal Data
Fame Name : Fekri Oukasha
Birth date : 7/3/1946
Place of birth : Cairo
Date of death : 2/1/2018
Activities : Painting

- BA of Art Education - Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University 1968
- Diploma in Arts Tastement - The High Institute of Critique - Academy of Arts - Haram 1974
- MA in Art Education - Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University 1977
- PhD of Philosophy in Art Education ` Drawing and Painting` Section - Helwan University - Faculty of Art Education 2000
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine artists 3025/885 - Painting Section
- Instrcutor in the Faculty of Specify Education - Kafr Al-Sheikh - Tanta University - Department of Art Education
- Assistant Instructor in the Faculty of Specify Education - Kafr Al-Sheikh - Tanta University
- Teaching in ( Cairo - Ain Shams - Mansoura - Tanta University)
- Head of Art Education Department - Faculty of Teachers - Al-Taief - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Member of Faculty board and activity committee
-:Lecturer of Art Education - Faculty of Teacher - Al-Taief
- Member of the lasting committee of curriculum development of Art Education - Ministry of Education - Arab Republic of Egypt 1984 -1985
-Art supervison of Fine art field - Al-Qalaa Youth Center ( Ministry of Youth) 1983 to 1986
- Organized and directed the Art exhibitions of the General presidency of Youth Care in Egypt and Association of Culture and Arts
- Teaching of High studies students ` MA` in Drawing and Painting 2002, 2003 - Faculty of Specify Education - Tanta University
- Teaching of High studies students ` MA` in curriculum and teaching ways of Art education - Faculty of Specify Education - Kafr Al-Sheikh ( Tanta University)
Solo shows
- In Al-Taief literary Club - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- In the Faculty of Teachers - Al-Taief - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- At Sheraton Hotel - Al-Taief
- At Al-Qalaa Youth Center - Cairo 1990
- At the National Theatre - Al-Ataba - Cairo 1992
- At Kafr Al-Sheikh Culture Palace 1993
- At the Faculty of Specify Education - Kafr Al-Sheikh 1994
- At the Media Center - Mansoura 1995
- At Cairo Atelier 2004
- At `Mohamed Nagy` Gallery - Cairo Atelier , January 2005
- At Horus Gallery - Faculty of Art Education - Zamalek , January 2006
Local exhibitions
- Competition of Students of Faculties and Institutes - Opera House 1968
- 12th Pioneers exhibition - Garden City 1971
- 7th General exhibition of Fine Arts 1975
- Exhibition of Cairo Fair of Fine Arts - Bab Al-Louq Gallery - Cairo 1975
- 8th General exhibiton of Fine Arts 1976
- 27th Annual exhibition of Fine Arts 1976, 28th 1977
- Festival of the Art activity - Stadium of King Fahd Ibn Abdel Aziz
- 7th Collective exhibition of Al-Taief Association - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- 8th Collective exhibition of Al-Taief Association - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- The Annual exhibiton of Cairo Atelier 1998 - Cairo Atelier
Publications and activities
- Participated in Sympsoum about the Fine artistic movement of artists of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Participated with prof/ Mohamed Abdullah Al-Gamal ` Professor of textile in Faculty of Applied Arts` in held symposium about ` textile work and its effect in forming works of the artists in the modern era`, Cairo Sporting Club , Cairo 2002
- Symposium ` Pioneers in the Modern Egyptian Art` with selection artists in Faculty of Specify Education - kafr Al-Sheikh , Tanta University
Local recognition
- Medal of Merit from 12th Pioneers exhibition 1971
- Certificates of Merit in Fine Art field from Cairo governorate and has works in Al-Etahad Club - Jeddah - Al-Taief Traffic - Civil defense - Al-Madina newspaper - Ministry of pilgrimage - Faculty of Teacher - Al-Taief - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Medal of Merit and Certificate from Academy of Arts - Haram 2004
Private collection
- At art lovers in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait
State collection
- Ministry of Culture
- Ministry of Education - Cairo
- Ministry of Education - Mansoura - Al-Daqahalia