Curriculum Vitae
Hussien Fahmi Qoura
Personal Data
Birth date : 17/12/1971
Activities : Painting

- BA of Art Education 1996 .
- High studies Diploma in Art Education 1998 .
- MA in Art Education 2001 .
- Member of Association of Al-Ghury artists .
- Member of Asala Association of Hertiage .
- Member of Association of Fine Arts Lovers .
- Member of Association of Arab archeologists Union .
- Member of Association of Future and Art of the Arab Fine artists .
- Worked in the Faculty of Specify Education - Cairo
Local exhibitions
- Exhibitions of Association of Al-Ghury artists .
- Exhibitions of Asala Association of Hertiage .
- Exhibitions of Future and Art Association .
- 3rd Pottery Forum .
- Luxor Studio .
- 5th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2002 .
International exhibitions
- Cairo International Biennales of Ceramics .
Local recognition
- Won many prizes from Ministry of Culture , Youth , High Education and Association of Fine Arts Lovers .