Curriculum Vitae
Amien Qassem Amien Mohamed
Personal Data
Fame Name : Amien Qassem
Birth date : 6/4/1976
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Ceremics
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Specify Education - Department of Art Education - Ain Shams University 1998
- MA 2001
- PhD in Philosophy of Art Education `Ceramics` - Faculty of Specify Education - Ain Shams University 2004
- Lecturer in Department of Art Education - Ceramics Section - Faculty of Specify Education - Ain Shams University 1999
- Assistant Instructor in Department of Art Education - Ceramics Section - Faculty of Specify Education - Ain Shams University 2001
- Instructor in Department of Art Education - Faculty of Specify Education - Ain Shams University 2004
Places of interest
- Cairo
- Amman Sultante
Local exhibitions
- Participated in many Collective exhibitions in the Faculty since 1995
-5th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2002
-Exhibition related to Authority of Culture Palaces 2002
-6th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2003
- Exhibition of Association ( Fine messages) Effat Nagy and Saad Al-Khadem Museum 2005
-Exhibition `Creations of Teaching Staff` in `Oun` Gallery - Faculty of Specify Education - Ain Shams University 2005
-3rd exhibition of Association of Fine messages entitle `rhythms from nature` - Faculty of Specify Education - Ain Shams University , May 2006
International exhibitions
-5th Cairo International Biennale of Ceramics 2000
- Scholarship to Luxor Studio 2003
- Founder member of Association `Fine messages`
- Member of the Art Committee in the Egyptian Council of physicans for peace
- The supervison on graduation projects - Faculty of Specify Education - Ain Shams University
Local recognition
- Certificate of Merit from Ministry of High Education - 1st position in the General exhibition of Fine arts (Design) 1998
- Certificate of Merit and Medal of superior from Teachers Syndicate - Cairo 1998
International recognition
- Medal of the 1st psoition in competition of the Educational activity - Amman Sultante
Private collection
- At many individuals inside Egypt
State collection
- Faculty of Specify Education - Ain Shams University
- Wonderland Park