Curriculum Vitae
Safinaz Said Hassan Al-Khasht
Personal Data
Birth date : 30/7/1941
Place of birth : Giza
Activities : Painting

- BA of Arts - English Section - Cairo University
- Studies in the Free Department - Faculty of Fine Arts - Cairo 1993
- Member of Association of Nile girls
- Office manager in Marine Jac company in the period from 1975 to 1981
- Manager in Pasta Roma company in the period from 1981 to 1986
- Free artist
Places of interest
- Cairo , Alexandria , Menia
Solo shows
- At Cairo Atelier 1998
Local exhibitions
- In Cairo Atelier 1994
- In Meridien - Cairo 1995
- Arabesique Gallery - Cairo 1996
- In the Egyptian Cultural Center - Paris 1996
- In the Egyptian Cultural Center - London 1997
- In Al-Ahram newspaper - Cairo 1998
- In Rayash Gallery - Cairo 1998
- In the Egyptian Cultural Center - Paris 1999
- In Al-Shaqa Gallery - Cairo 2000
- In Critique and Creation Center 2002
- Joint exhibition with artist/ Hoda Al-Said and artist/ Gihan Bakier in Critique and Creation Center - Ahmed Shawky Museum ( Karma Ibn Hanee) 2004
International exhibitions
-2nd International exhibition of Drawing on Porclaien - Horizon One Gallery - Mr. and Mrs Mohamed Mahmoud Khalil - Giza , Egypt 2003
Private collection
- At individuals and Authorities in Egypt , London , Paris , America
State collection
- Al-Ahram Organization