Curriculum Vitae
Wadiaa Yani Gergies Hana
Personal Data
Fame Name : Wadiaa Yani
Birth date : 31/1/1914
Place of birth : Cairo
Date of death : 3/7/1985
Activities : Sculpture

- Diploma from the Royal Faculty of Applied arts 1936 -1937
- Lecturer in the Faculty till 1941
- Work in Archeology Authority
- Manager in the General Authority of Arts - Ministry of Culture till 1974
- Expert in Sculpture Department in the Faculty of Fine Arts and Al-Ghury Agency
Places of interest
- Cairo
Local exhibitions
- Participated by Sculpture works in the International and Local exhibitions
Local recognition
- 1st prize from competition of Dar Al-Helal - 150 L.E
- 2nd prize from Mukhtar competition
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art