Curriculum Vitae
Hassan Taha Al-Sayed Yaseen
Personal Data
Birth date : 22/5/1959
Place of birth : Aga
Activities : Graphic - Print

- PhD in Fine Arts
Local exhibitions
- the Annual Atelier Salon- since his graduation till now.
-Collective exhibtions at Alexandria`s Cultural Palaces.
International exhibitions
- 4th Egypt International Graphic Triennale- 2003.
- Exhibitions in Hungary, Norway, Doseldorf, Penselvania and Germany.
Local recognition
- 2nd prize, in Youth Salon- 1985.
- a certificate of Merit from the General Adminstration of Cultural Representation- Egypt.
International recognition
- a certificate of merit from the Egyptian Ambassador in Budabest- 1995.
- a medal in Geor Biennale - Hungary- 1995.