Curriculum Vitae
Naglaa Samir Hussanien Ismail
Personal Data
Fame Name : Naglaa Samir Hussanien
Birth date : 25/12/1969
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Media
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University 1992
- MA in Applied Arts - Helwan University 1997
- PhD of Philosophy in Applied Arts - Helwan University 2002
- Lecturer in Advertising Department - Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University 1995-1996
- Graphic Designer in Advertising Agency 1996-1997
- Art manager in Advertising Agency Intergreated Media International 1998-2000
- Free designer since 2000
- Professor of Advertising Design - Faculty of Applied Arts - University of 6 October since 2002
Solo shows
- Exhibition at `Al-Hussien Fawzy` Gallery in Gezira Center of Arts 2005
- Exhibition at `Ragheb Sedek` Gallery in Geizira Center of Arts - Zamalek - May 2007
Local exhibitions
-15th Youth Salon 2003 - 16th 2004
- Festival of Egyptian Woman Creation in the Contemporary Arts - Geizira Center of Arts 2004
- 7th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2004
- 5th Nile Salon of Photography 2004
- 29th National Exhibition of Fine Arts 2005
- The 1st Private exhibitionn ( Exhibition of Artists who staged their first Solo exhibition in the period from 1st July till 30th June 2006) Geizira Center of Arts 2006
- 6th Nile Salon of Photography 2007
International exhibitions
- Exhibition in Italy 2007
- Photography exhibition in Nibal kingdom 2007
-24th Alexandria Biennale 2007
- Commassaire of Photography exhibition in Niebal Kingdom in occassion of passing 50 years on establishment the Diplomatic relations between Egypt and Niebal 2007
International recognition
- Prize of 24th Alexandria Biennale 2007
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art