Curriculum Vitae
Moataz Ahmed al-Said Khotaon
Personal Data
Fame Name : Al-Said Khotaon
Birth date : 15/4/1978
Activities : Media
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Graduated from the Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University.
Diploma in art education, from the Faculty of Art Education, Helwan Univeristy, 2005.
- Member of the Fine Artists Association.
Graphic and media designer.
Fine artist.
Local exhibitions
Exhibition of the Youth of Victory Society in Demenhoor, 1998.
Group show at Horas art gallery of the Faculty of Art Education, 2000.
The 15th Youth Salon, 2003.
Exhibition accompanied the Free Theater Team at Talyaa Theater, Cairo, 2003.
The 6th Salon of Mini Works of Art, 2003.
“Winter”, 2003.
The First Salon of the Youth Artists Group, 2003.
The 16th Youth Salon, 2004.
The 29th National Art Exhibition, 2005.
- 1st Festival of Video art 2005
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation ( 18th Youth Salon 2007)
- 2nd Festival of Fine Creation (19th Youth Salon 2008)
Luxor Studios Scholarship, 2004.
Sabbatical leave of the Ministry of Culture, 2004,2005.
- Scholarship from Ministry of Cultyre 2006 -2007
Local recognition
Second prize on Behyra Province Art Contest, 1998.
Prize of (AICA- Paris), the Egyptian International Critics Association, the 6th Salon of Mini Works of Art, 2003.
Certificate of Merit from the First Salon of the Youth Artists Group, 2003.