Curriculum Vitae
Tahani Mohamed Nasr Al-Adli
Personal Data
Fame Name : Tahani Al-Adli
Birth date : 10/3/1946
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Ceremics

- BA of the Applied Arts - Ceramics 1968 .
- MA in Applied Arts 1980 .
- Ph.D in Philosophy in the Applied Arts 1986 .
- Founder member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists .
- Member of the National Association of Fine Arts .
- Founder member of the Syndicate of the Applied Arts Designers .
- Founder Secertary of Ceramics Section Board in the Syndicate of Fine Artists .
- Founder Secertary of the Library and Museum Committee in the Faculty of Applied Arts
- Specialist in the Development Engineering and Industrial Designs Center - Ceramics Department 1969 -1973 .
- Specialist in the National Center of Reasearches 1973 -1980 .
- Assistant Teacher of Ceramics Technology in the Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University 1980 .
-Teacher in the Industrial Designs Department in the Faculty of Applied Arts 1986.
- Associate Professor in the Industrial Designs Department in the Faculty of Applied Arts 1990 .
- Professor of Ceramics in the Industrial Designs Departement in the Faculty of Applied Arts 1994 .
Places of interest
- Cairo .
- South Sinai ( Sharm al-Sheikh - Dahab -Taba) .
- England - Greece - Germany .
Solo shows
- Al-Nasr Gallery - The National Center of Fine Arts, March 1987 .
- Arts Center in Zamalek , July 1988 .
- The German Cultural Institute (Geothe) in Cairo, July 1993 .
- The Design and Art Center in the Faculty of Applied Arts, March 1994 .
- Faculty of Applied Arts, March 1994 .
Local exhibitions
- The General Exhibitions of Fine Arts 1967- 1982 .
- Pioneers Exhibition 1968 .
- Competition of Mural painting 1982 .
- 16th General Exhibition of Fine Arts, May 1986 .
- 1st Cairo Salon - Ceramics 87, December 86/ January 1987 .
- 54th Cairo Salon of Association of Fine Arts Lovers , February 1987 .
- Exhibition of the Local Development Conference in the Faculty of Applied Arts , March 1987 .
- 17th General Exhibition of Fine Arts, April 1987 .
- 7th Salon of the National Association of Fine Arts 1987
- Exhibition of the Egyptian desert and the New element Competition , June 1987
- 6th Salon of the National Association of Fine Arts, April 1986 .
- Contest of the silver jubilee of Faculty of Fine Applied Arts, April/May1986 .
- Exhibition of the maquette and ceramics works in Suez (Ambulant exhibitions) June 1987 .
- 18th General Exhibition of Fine Arts, January 1988 .
- Exhibition of the Modern Egyptian Ceramics, February 1988 .
- Exhibition (Ceramics 88) July/ September 1988 .
- 8th Salon of the National Association of Fine Arts, August 1988 .
- Conference exhibition ( For a product design and made in Egypt) December 1988 .
- 19th General Exhibition of Fine Arts 1989 .
- 9th Salon of the National Association of Fine Arts September/ October 1989 .
- 21st General Exhibition of Fine Arts September/ October 1990 .
- The Annual exhibition 90 - Asiela Gallery of Fine Arts , December 1990 .
- Exhibition of Art between Nile and Riyan in Geothe Institute in Alexandria November/December 1991 .
- 22nd General National Exhibition ,December 91/January 1992 .
- Exhibition of Egypt is the giving, December 1992 .
- 1st Exhibition of the Applied Arts, December 1992 .
- Creations of the Contemporary Egyptian Women in Fine Art, November 1993 .
- 23rd National Exhibition of Fine Arts, November/December 1993 .
- Exhibition of View on the Contemporary Egyptian Ceramics of the Teachers Staff , Ceramics Section in the Faculty of the Applied Arts, November 1994 .
- Exhibition of Conference ( For a product design and made in Egypt) Local Development, April 1995 .
- 24th National Exhibition of Fine Arts , November/ December 1995 .
- 1st Spring Salon of Sculpture ,Ceramics and Painting ,May/ June 1997 .
- 25th National Exhibition of Fine Arts, November/ December 1997 .
- 2nd Salon of Mini Works of Art, November 1998 .
- Fine Arts Exhibition in the Shooting Club 97-1998 .
- 26th National Exhibition of Fine Arts 1999 .
- 27th National Exhibition of Fine Arts 2001 .
- 28th National Exhibition of Fine Arts 2003 .
- Exhibition in Khan al-Magharby in Zamalek 2006 .
International exhibitions
- Exhibition (Graven Horset) Western Germany 1984 .
- Athen Exhibition of Cermanic - Western Germany 1985 .
- Hanover exhibition of Ceramics - Western Germany 1985 .
- Graven Horset Exhibition - Western Germany 1985 .
- The participations in exhibitions(Acquistions of Geosphe Brouzetito Museum) Group of nonaligned nations like (Egypt- India - Yougoslavia) 1988
- The nomination and participation in Madrid Exhibition of Youth in Spain 1989 .
- The Contemporary Egyptian Art Exhibition in Kuwait 1990 .
- The Nomination in 3rd International Biennale ( The Asian European) in Anqara - Turkey 1992 .
- 1st Cairo International Triennale of Ceramics 1992 .
- The nomination to 48th Venizia International Biennale 1993 .
- Exhibition of the African summit 1993 .
- 2nd Cairo International Biennale of Ceramics 1994 .
- Exhibition of the Civiliaztion`s debates 2nd of January in Germany 1995 .
- 3rd Cairo International Biennale of Ceramics 1996 .
- 4th Cairo International Biennale of Ceramics 1998 .
- 5th Cairo International Biennale of Ceramics 2000 .
- Joint supervision scholarship in the Western Germany 83-1985 .
- The participation in the supervision on the Scientism thesis .
- The participation in some scientism conferences in Egypt and Italy .
- The participartion in scientism reports and projects in the National Center of Researches .
Publications and activities
- Book about the brick 1980 .
- Published researches in scientism and International magazines of Ceramics.
- The participation in lectures in the Center of Industrial Designs Development
- Researches published in Conferences .
- 5th Arab Chemical Conference 1978 .
- 1st Egyptian Conference of the Chemical engineering 1980 .
- 5th Global Sympsoium of Ceramics - Italy 1981.
Local recognition
- Medal and Certificate of Merit from the National Center of Researches 1980 .
- Certificate of Merit - Competition of the Silver Jubilee in the Faculty of Applied Arts 1986 .
- Certificate of Merit from 1st Cairo Salon 1987 .
- Certificate of Merit from Conference of the Local Development in the Faculty of Applied Arts 1987 .
- Certificate of Merit from the Charity Exhibition 1990 .
- Certificate of Merit from Faculty of Fine Arts - Menia University 1988 .
- Prize from 2nd and 3rd Salon of Mini Works of Arts 1999/2000 .
International recognition
- Prize from 1st Cairo International Triennale of Ceramics 1992 .
- Medal and Certificate of Merit from the National Exhibition of Fine Arts , the session 23 -1993 .
- Jury Prize of 2nd Cairo International Biennale of Ceramics 1994 .
- Encouragement Prize of the State 1994 .
- -Jury Prize of 3rd Cairo International Biennale 1996 .
- Biennale prize from 4th Cairo International Biennale of Ceramics 1998 .
Private collection
- In Egypt and United States of America .
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Art in Cairo .
- Geizira Museum in Cairo .
- Geoseph Broztito Museum in Yugoslavia and Western Germany .