Curriculum Vitae
Aesha Mohamed Fathallah Darweesh
Personal Data
Fame Name : Aesha Darweesh
Birth date : 9/4/1940
Activities : Ceremics

- BA in Art Education- Helwan University- 1964.
- MA in Art Education- 1971.
- PhD in 1982.
- of the Fine Artists Syndicate.
- of the Atelier Society.
- of the International Art Education Society- ANSIA.
- of the Education Alumni Society.
- Teacher at the Faculty of Art Education- Helwan University- 1991.
Solo shows
- at the Faculty of Art Education- 1964.
- at the Faculty of Art Education- 1984.
- at the Faculty of Art Education- March 1990.
- at the Faculty of Art Education- December- 1990.
- at the Arts Center- Zamalek- June- 1991.
Local exhibitions
- 21st Fine Art Exhibition- Assiut- 1971.
- the 3rd Fine Artists Exhibition- 1979.
- 8th Egyptian Folklore Society Exhibition- 1982.
- The Mass Culture Exhibition- Giza Culture Department- 1983.
- The Teaching Staff Exhibition- Faculty of Atr Education- Salam Gallery- 1984.
- The General Fine Art Exhibition- Nile Gallery- 1990.
International exhibitions
- The Contemporary Art Exhibition- Berlin- West Germany- 1985.
- Participated in the Golden Jubilee Conference of The Faculty of Art Education- 1988.
Private collection
- at art lovers.
State collection
- The Egyptian Modern Art Museum.
- Helwan University.
- The Egyptian Club- Berlin- West Germany.