Curriculum Vitae
Samy Rezk Beshay Soliman
Personal Data
Fame Name : Samy Rezk
Birth date : 20/5/1933
Place of birth : Cairo
Date of death : 31/3/1999
Activities : Ceremics

- BA in Applied Arts- Glass ornament- Ceramics Deparment- 1956.
- BA in Art Education- Ain Shams- 1958.
- Postgraduate Diploma- Faculty of Archeology- Cairo University- 1975.
- MA in The Ancient Egyptian Monuuments- Faculty of Archeology- 1983.
- PhD in The Ancient Egyptian Monuuments- Faculty of Archeology- 1991.
- of the Fine Artists Syndicate- Decor 2309\ 1039.
- of the Applied Art Dsigners 232.
- Head of the Technical Supervision- Industrial Education- 1984\ 1985.
- Councilor at The Industrial Eduaction- 1985- 1993.
Places of interest
- Cairo, Sinai.
Solo shows
- participated in many exhibitions with a number of artists.
- held many solo exhibitions at the Ministry of Culture since 1960.
- Exhibitions at the French German Cultural Center- Goethe Gallery- 1975.
- Opera House Exhibition- Cairo-1998.
- at Eknatoun Gallery- 1999.
Local exhibitions
- has participated in most of the local group exhibitions in Egypt since 1954:1975.
International exhibitions
- participated in The 2nd Alexandria Biennale.
- The Education Scholarship- Faculty of Education- Ain Shams- 1958.
Publications and activities
- participated in forming course and education plans for industrial education- ornamentation, advertising, coordination, beautifcation, Internal medicine, printing, mechanical drawing, leather manifaturing, steel and steel furniture.
Local recognition
- the painting prizes in oil painting abd drawing .
International recognition
- International prize in for child drawings when he was 7- 1940.
- 1st golden prize in Ceramics- The Nonaligned Nations Exhibition- Norway- 1955.
- International Prize in Romania- 1962.
- 1st prize in oil painting- Saint Paolo- 1974.
Private collection
- at art lovers in Europe, USA and South America .
State collection
- A number of his works are acuqised by the state.