Curriculum Vitae
Akram Saleh Abdel Moniem Fadl
Personal Data
Fame Name : Akram Saleh Fadl
Birth date : 24/10/1981
Activities : Painting
Email : , ,

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Painting Department - Alexandria University 2004
Local exhibitions
- Collective exhibition of Students of Fine Arts Faculty - Creation Palace 2001
- 7th Nagy Annual Salon of Youth - May 2002
-In Shoumou Gallery - February 2003
- 15th Youth Salon 2003
- 28th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2003
- Collective exhibition of Students of Faculty of Fine Arts - Mazloum 2004
- Exhibition of four youth in Al-Tazaweq Palace , April 2004
-5th Nile Salon of Photography 2004
- 17th Youth Salon 2005
International exhibitions
- Exhibition of Students of Fine Arts - Milan - Italy ( April) 2004
Private collection
- At art lovers inside Egypt and abroad