Curriculum Vitae
Waleed Mohamed Abdullah Kanoush
Personal Data
Fame Name : Waleed Kanoush
Birth date : 1/4/1972
Place of birth : Behira
Activities : Painting
Email : ,

- BA in painting- Faculty of Fine Arts- Alexandria University- 1994.
- MA in painitng - Alexandria University- 2002.
- PhD in Fine Arts- Alexandria- 2006.
Member of Syndicate of Fine artists
- Assistant Instructor in the Painting Department- Facult of Fine Arts- Alexandria University.
Instructor in the Painting Department- Facult of Fine Arts- Alexandria.
Solo shows
- At Al-Tazawq palace 2006
Local exhibitions
- Alexandria Youth Salon- Alexandria Atelier- 1993- 1994.
- 6 Youth Egyptian Painters- the Italian Cultural Center- Alexandria- 1997.
- the Annual Salon of Alexandria Atelier- 1997- 1998.
-a group exhibition for Youth Artists- Khan Al-Maghrabi- Cairo- 1999.
- `we won`t forget you, our dear` for the Palestinian Uprising- Rotary Society- Alexandria - 2001.
- a group exhibition for the Palestinian uprising- Mahmoud Said Museum- Alexandria- 20001.
- Most of the Masters Exhibitions of the Faculty of Fine Arts- Alexandria.
- 15th Youth Salon- 2003.
- the National Fine Arts Exhibition- 28/ 2003.
- 1st Drawing Salon (Blackand White)- Gezira Arts Center- 2004.
- 16th Youth Salon- 2004.
- 7th Port Said National Biennale- 2005.
- the Small Works Exhibitiion- Mahmoud Said Museum- Alexandria Biennale- 2005.
- Varities of Fine Arts- Eshraqa Gallery- Alexandria- 2006.
- 1st Special Exhibition- (Artists who held their first solo exhibition between July 2004 and 30 June 2006)- Gezira Art Center- 2006.
- 1990 Generation Exhibition- Faculty of Fine Arts- Alexandria University- 2007.
- a group exhibition for Alexandria`s Artists- Gezwit Center- Alexandria- 2007.
- Half Century of Creation- the Golden Jubilee- 2007.
- Port Said National Biennale - Victory Forum 2007
- Exhibition of Al-Thagr artists Forum - Al-Anfoshi Culture Palace 2007
- 1st private exhibition of artists who held their first private exhibition in the period from 1st July 2006 till 30th June 2008 at Geizira Arts Center - October 2008
International exhibitions
- the Egyptian Modern Arts Exhibition- Jordan- 2005.
- the Egyptian Modern Art Exhibition- Muscat- the Cultural Capital of the Arab World- 2006.
- Exhibition of the Egyptian Youth artists - The Egyptian Cultural Center - Paris - France 2007
- The Egyptian exhibition of Fine arts at the French Cultural Cenetr - New Delhi - India - March 2009
Local and international Who's Who
- the Youth Salon Encyclopedia- Vol- 3, by Critic. Mohamed Hamza- Fine Arts Sector- 2004.
Publications and activities
- has many researches and articles published on many Art Periodicals.
- Commissar of the 1990 Generation Exhibition- Celebration of the Fine Arts Faculty`s Golden Jubilee- Alexandria- 2007.
Local recognition
- the Salon Prize (painting) 15th Youth Salon- 2003.
- 2nd prize in Art Criticism- the Criticism Competition- parallel to Youth Salon- 2007
- The Encouragement prize in Painting - Port Said National Biennale - Al-Nasr Forum 2007.
Private collection
- at Art Lovers in Egypt , Arab and European Countries.
State collection
- Sector of Fine Arts.