Curriculum Vitae
Mona Salah Mohamed Ibrahim
Personal Data
Birth date : 18/3/1982
Activities : Painting
Email :

- Student in the Faculty of Applied Arts - Decoration Department - Helwan University
- Member of the Syndicate of Applied Arts Designers
- Researcher in the Faculty of Applied Arts - Decoration Department
Solo shows
- In the Cultural Garden in Al-Saida Zienab 1997, 1998
- In Garden City Culture Center 1998
- Competition of Al-Gomharia newspaper 1998
Local exhibitions
- Collective exhibition in Merriott Hotel 1997
- Exhibition of Helwan University 2002, 2003
- 43rd Pioneers exhibition ( Association of Fine arts Lovers) 2003
-15th Youth Salon 2002
-1st Festival of Fine Creation (18th Youth Salon) 2007
Local recognition
- 1st prize in competition of Al-Gomharia newspaper 1998
- 3d prize in exhibition of Helwan University 2002
- 2nd prize in exhibition of Helwan University 2003