Curriculum Vitae
Nasser Al-Said Al-Samasidsy
Personal Data
Birth date : 14/11/1974
Activities : Drawing

- BA of Faculty of Medicine and Surgery 1996
- Free studies in Alexandria Atelier 1993 -1996
- Studies in the Faculty of Arts - University of Youtaha State - United States of America
Local exhibitions
-3rd Port Said National Biennale 1997
- Al-Netaq Festival - Cairo 2001
-14th Youth Salon 2002
International exhibitions
- Exhibition of Library of Youtaha State University - United States of America 1997
- Open exhibition under auspices of UVSC
- Exhibition of the Contemporary Egyptian art - Netherlands 2001
Publications and activities
- Workshop in Geothe Institute - Alexandria 1995
- Workshop in Yatuo State with artist Adrian Van Sofietlien 1998
- Workshop ` Open Studio` Town House Gallery 2002