Curriculum Vitae
Akmal Hamed Hamed Abdel Rahman
Personal Data
Birth date : 1/3/1970
Activities : Ceremics
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- BA of Faculty of Applied Arts - Decoration Department 1992 .
- MA in Applied Arts - Decoration Department .
- PhD in Mural Design from the Research Institute of Media, Art and Design, University of Bedfordshire, UK. 2009 .
- Member of the Syndicate of Applied Arts Designers
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Member of Association of Fine Arts Lovers
- Assistant Instructor in Decoration Department since 1999 - Faculty of Applied Arts
Local exhibitions
- Participated in more than 25 National exhibitions since 1992 till now like:
- Exhibition of Artist/ Omar Al-Nagdy and his artists sons ` Hall of Al-Ahram newspaper` 1993
- Exhibition of the 4th Scientific Conference - Faculty of Applied Arts 1995
- 1st Exhibition of Decoration artists - Faculty of Applied Arts 1997
- 1st Autumn exhibition , 2nd of Mini Works - Arts Center - Zamalek 1997, 1998
- Exhibition of Teaching Staff - The Russian Cultural Center - Cairo 1999
- Pioneers exhibitions ( Association of Fine Arts Lovers) 1993, 1999
- In Luxor Studios 1999
- 15th Youth Salon 2003
International exhibitions
- Exhibition of the Week of the Cultural exchange between Egypt and Qatar - Doha 1996
- Exhibition ` The Egptian Art House` - Paris - France 1998
- In Finland 1999
- Exhibition of the Week of the Cultural exchange between Egypt and Finland 1999
- Full scholarship from the Egyptian government to obtain the PhD in Mural Design form the UK 2005 - 2009
- Honorary Research Fellow at the Research Institute of Media, Art and Design, University of Bedfordshire, UK. 2010.
Publications and activities
-Participated in the International Work Camp of Youth - Sharm Al-Sheikh 1999
Local recognition
- Three 1st prize - Drawing - The National Competition of Fine Arts 1996, 1997, 1998
- 2nd prize ` Drawing` - The National Competition of Fine Arts 1999
- 3rd Prize ` Painting` - The National Competition of Fine Arts 1998, 1999
- Drawing prize in Pioneers exhibition 1995, 1997
- Painting prize in Pioneers exhibition 1998
- Prize of Artist/ Hassan Hashmat in Painting - Pioneers exhibition 1999
- 1st prize ` Painting` - Exhibition of the Golden Jubilee of Faculty of Medicine - Ain Shams University which held in Sheraton Cairo Hotel 2000
Private collection
- At individuals in Egypt , Saudi Arabia , Filinad
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art
- Ministry of Culture
- Helwan University