Curriculum Vitae
Amir Youssry Abdel Hadi Mohamed
Personal Data
Fame Name : Amir Youssry
Birth date : 8/2/1974
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Painting
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Art Education 1999 - Helwan University
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists - Painting
- MA researcher in Faculty of Art Education since 2000
Places of interest
- Cairo
Local exhibitions
-11th Youth Salon 1999, 12th 2000
-2nd Salon of Mini Works of Art 1998
- In Horus Gallery - Faculty of Art Education
- Scholarship to study MA in Faculty of Art Education since 2001 for 3 years
Publications and activities
- Participated in Biennale workshop 1998
- Participated in workshop of Artist ` Nancy Sabiero` 1999
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art
- Helwan University