Curriculum Vitae
Amira Abdullah Abdul-Hamid Kotb
Personal Data
Fame Name : Amira Abdullah Abdul-Hamid
Birth date : 19/8/1976
Place of birth : Alexandria
Activities : Painting
Email :

- BA in Graphic design- Faculty of Fine Arts- Alexandria University - 1999.
- Certificated in an International training course on graphic- Orpino- Italy - 2001.
- International Certificate of Engraving - Italy 2001 .
- of the Fine Artists Syndicate.
- a lecturer at the graphic design Department- Faculty of Fine Arts- Alexandria University.
- Assistant Professor at the graphic design Department- faculty of Fine Arts Alexandria-
Solo shows
- at the Art Palace- Sidi Gaber- Alexandria - 2002.
Local exhibitions
- 5th Nagy Annual Youth Salon- Anfoushi- Alexandria- 2000.
- 4th and 5th Samll Works Salon- 2000, 2002.
- 6th Nagy Annual Youth Salon- Anfoushi- Alexandria- 2001.
- Alexandsria Atelier Youth Salon- 2001.
- `Conceptions and Art` Goethe Institute- Alexandria- 2001.
- `an Uprising until Triumph`- Doctors Syndicate- Alexandria- 2001.
- `Pioneers of Art and Generousity`- the graphic design department- Alexandria- 2001.
- the Autumn Salon- the Art Palace- Sidi gaber- Alexadria- 2001.
- `Panorama of the Modern Egyptian Graphic` Cairo Atelier- 2001.
- `the Environment Stickers` improving Cairo Air project- 2001.
- at Dega Gallery- Alexandria- 2001.
- `the Creation` Alexandria- 2001.
- with Artists/ Mahmoud Saif, the Art Palace- Sidi gaber- Alexandria- 2002.
- `Fighting Addiction ` Rotary Club- Alexandria- 2002.
- 7th Nagy Annual Youth Salon- Anfoushi- Alexandria- 2002.
- the Youth Salon of Alexandria Atelier- 2002.
- `the International Fighting Addiction Day`- the Art Palace- Sidi Gaber- 2002.
- 5th Small Wroks Salon- 2002.
- `the Revolution`s Features of Alexandria` Mahmoud Said Museum- Alexandria- 2002.
- the Annual Salon of Alexandria Atelier`s Artists- 2003.
- 6th Small Works Salon- 2003.
- the Youth Pioneers Exhibition- the Candels Fine Art Gallery- 2003.
- `Alexandria in her Artists View`- Rotary Club- Alexandria- 2003.
- `Alexandrian Finger Print- the Grand Exhibiting Gallery- Faculty of Fine Arts-Zamalek- 2003.
- the Youth Salon- Alexandria- 2003.
- the Technical Print Market Exhibition- parellel to Egypt`s 4th International Graphic Triennale - Dega Gallery- 2003.
- a group exhibition parallel to Egypt`s 4th International Graphic Triennale- Alexandria Bibliothica- 2003.
- 15th Youth Salon 2003.
- the National Fine Art Exhibition- 28/ 2003.
- the Fine Arts Day- at the Faculty of Fine Arts-- 2003.
- `Selections from the Egyptian Graphics in the 20th Century- Alexandria Bibliothica- 2004.
- Alexandria`s Female Artists- Anfoushi Cultural Palace- 2004.
- a group exhibition parallel to Dr/ Mariam Abdel-Alim`s Exhibition- Alexandria Atelier- 2004.
- 9th Nagy Annual Youth Salon- Anfoushi- Alexandria- 2005.
- 3rd National Graphic Exhibition- 2005.
- 17th Youth Salon- 2005.
International exhibitions
- in Italy- 2001.
- Japan Small Works Triennale- 2001.
- the Graphic Exhibition- Italy- 2001.
- Egypt`s 4th International Graphic Triennale- 2003.
- the Cultures Meeting Exhibition (Egypt-Italy) Rome- 2004.
- the Egyptian Modern Art Exhibition- Khartum- Sudan- 2005.
- Alexandria Atelier`s International Youth Salon- Alexandria Atelier- 2006.
Publications and activities
- workshops at the graphic design department - 1999.
- a workshop at Alexandria Atelier- on the flat printing - 2002.
- a workshop at the City`s Beautification Center- Moharam Bek- Alexandria- 2002 - 2003.
- Recording the Environment Activities for the Environment`s Pioneers Society- Alexandria.
- Designed the Envirounmental Classification Directory- the International Health Organization.
- Secretariat of the Public Relations Committee of the Faculty of Fine Arts- the Society`s Friends and the Environment`s Developing Group.
Local recognition
- a certificates of merit at the 5th and 7th Nagy Annual Youth Salon- 2000- 2002.
- 1st prize in the 6th Nagy Annual Youth Salon- Alexandria- 2001.
- a certificate of merit at `Uprising till Triumph` Doctros Syndicate- 2001.
- a prize at Rotary`s Club Competition- Alexandria - 2002
- the Salon prize- the Youth Salon of Alexandria Atelier - 2002
- a certificate of merit in the 7th Nagy Annual Youth Salon - 2002.
- a certificate of merit at `Alexandria from her Artists view`- Rotary Club- Alexandria- 2003.
- a certificate of merit in the 15th Youth Salon - 2003.
- the Grand prize (the Syndicate Prize) in the 9th Nagy Annual Youth Salon- Alexandria- 2005.
International recognition
- an International Certificate in Graphic- Italy- 2001.
Private collection
- at art lovers in establishments in Egypt and abroad.
State collection
- Sector of Fine Arts- Ministry of Culture- 2003.