Curriculum Vitae
Hani Mahmoud Abdel Hassieb Maqlad
Personal Data
Fame Name : Hani Maqlad
Birth date : 23/3/1980
Place of birth : Al-Bahaira
Activities : Painting
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University 2001 .
- Diploma of Art Education - Painting 2003 .
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists .
- Graphic Designer in the General Authority of Al-Amiria Print Affairs since 2001
Places of interest
- Al-Bahaira , Alexandria , Cairo .
Solo shows
- In Al-Bahaira Culture Palace 1999 .
- In ` Akhenaton 5` Gallery - Arts Center - Zamalek 2002 .
Local exhibitions
- Exhibitions of Al-Bahaira artists since 1996 till now
- Competition of Artist/ Kamel Ghandr 1999
- Competition of Artist/ Gazabia Serry 2000
- Exhibition ` Generation of Future` - Town House Gallery 2000
- Al-Netaq Festival 2001
-11th Youth Salon 1999 , 12th 2000
-5th Port Said National Biennale 2001
-5th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2002, 6th 2003
- 15th Youth Salon 2003, 17th 2005 .
Publications and activities
- 1st Empiricism workshop 2000, 2nd 2001, Faculty of Art Education
- Workshop held by the American Artist/ Rober Rosuh 2000
- Made Fine vision ` Cinography` of some plays in the Mass Cultue and Cairo University .
- Made many propaganda campagin of group of companies of the General and Private Sector ( The National Bank of Investment) .
Local recognition
- many prizes and Certificates of Merit from Ministry of Sport and Youth .
- 1st prize in Competition of the Silver Jubilee of October in the Mass Culture 1998 .
Private collection
- At individuals in Egypt and abroad .
State collection
- Faculty of Art Education .
- Al-Bahaira .
- The National Bank of Investment .
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art .