Curriculum Vitae
Seham Hussieni Ibrahim Mohamed Qadiaha
Personal Data
Fame Name : Seham Hussieni
Birth date : 1/1/1978
Place of birth : Alexandria
Activities : Painting

- BA of Faculty of Specify Education - Arts Department 2000 - Alexandria University
- Free studies in Al-Tazawq Palace - Sidi Gaber (1996 -2001) Creation Gallery
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition ` Alumnus 2000` - Faculty of Specify Education - Al-Tazawq Palace -Sidi Gaber - Alexandria
- Exhibition ` Alexandria in her sons eyes`
- Exhibition ` Pioneers of Al-Tazawq Palace` - Sidi Gaber 2001
-13th Youth Salon 2001
-6th Nagy Annual Salon of Youth 2001 - Al-Anfoshi Palace - Alexandria
-5th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2002
-28th National exhibition of Fine arts 2003
Local recognition
- Certificate of Merit from exhibition of 6th Nagy Salon 2001 - Al-Anfoshi Palace - Alexandria