Curriculum Vitae
Nehad Mohamed Al-Sadek Saleh
Personal Data
Fame Name : Nehad Sadek
Birth date : 10/7/1976
Place of birth : Al-Sharkia
Activities : Painting

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Mural Painting Department - Helwan University 1999 .
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists - 38540 - Painting .
- Lecturer in the Academy of Design and Arts ( Applied Arts Institute) .
Local exhibitions
- Collective exhibition in the Faculty of Fine Arts 1997 .
- Collective exhibition related to the Medical Conference in Meridien Hotel 1998 .
-12th Youth Salon 2000 ..
- Collective exhibition in Arts and Design Academy 2002 .
- 5th Nile Salon of Photography 2004 .