Curriculum Vitae
Ahmed Abdallah Ahmed Abdallah
Personal Data
Birth date : 15/3/1978
Activities : Painting
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BA of Faculty of art education - painting department - Helwan University 2000.
- MA in art education - Pottery 2006.
Member in the syndicate of fine artists
Local exhibitions
- 3rd Salon of small artistic works 1999, and 4th 2000.
- Collective exhibitions in the faculty of specify education.
- Exhibitions in Helwan University 1997,1998,1999.
- Exhibitions in Ministry of Youth and sports 1998,1999.
- 14th Youth Salon 2002.
-1st Festival of Fine Creation (18th Youth Salon 2007)
International exhibitions
International Salon of Alexandria Atelier of youth in Alexandria Atelier .April 2006.
Publications and activities
1st , 2nd and 3rd workshop of the contemporary arts - Faculty of art education 2000,2001,2002.
Local recognition
Certificate of Merit in the Nile fidelity festival.