Curriculum Vitae
Abdel Megid Ismail Abdel Megid Mohamed
Personal Data
Birth date : 14/7/1978
Activities : Sclupture
Email : ,

- BA from the Faculty of Art Education - Performance Department , Helwan University 2001..
- A lecturer at the Faculty of Art Education - Sculpture Department - Helwan University 2001 .
Solo shows
- Participated in several solo exhibitions at the Ministry of Youth and Sports ,1995 : 1999.
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of the Art Education teaching staff - the college conference .
- 13th Youth Salon 2001,14th 2002 .
- Group exhibition for Ceramics , Qena 2002.
- Al Ghory artists Salon 2000 , 2001 .
- Exhibition at Cairo Atelier, 2003 .
- 4th Pottery Symposium , Qena .
- 4th Mini works Salon 2000 , 5th 2002, 6th 2003 .
- 43rd Pioneers exhibition - Fine Art Lovers Association, Cairo ,2003 .
- 16th Youth Salon 2004.
- light Shapel exhibition , Palace of Arts , November 2004 .
- 7th Mini Works Salon 2004 .
- 17th Youth Salon 2005 .
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation (18th Youth Salon) 2007 .
International exhibitions
- Exhibition in Tunisia City 1996 .
- Has been delegated to Tunisia City , for youth and sports within the Common Interchange Agreement , between the two countries .
Local recognition
- Kamal Ghandar prize , 2000 .
- 13th Salon prize in Sculpture , 2001 .
- Gazabia Serry prize in Painting 2001.
- Dr/Aida abdel Kareem prize , (Art lovers)
- Kamal Ebid prize in Sculpture 2001, 2003 .
- The Salon prize and The Salon Oscar and a Certificate of Merit ( in half with Nashat Ahmed Mohamed ) from 16th Youth Salon , 2004 .