Curriculum Vitae
Ahmed Al-Adly
Personal Data
Birth date : /1/1962
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Sculpture

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Sculpture Department 1985
- MA in Bronze sculpture , Wood , Stones , Polister - Faculty of Fine Arts 1997
- PhD `Sculpture` - Faculty of Fine Arts 2002
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Member of the National Association of Fine Arts
- Member of Association of Fine Arts Lovers
- Head of Restoration Department - The Supreme Council of archeology - Ministry of Culture
-Teaching Sculpture in the Faculty of Specify Education - Zagazig University since 1995 to 2003
Solo shows
- Exhibition entitle `Hot Suits` - The Egyptian Center of the International Cultural Co-operation `Foreig diplomats` Gallery 2003
Local exhibitions
- Spring Salon 1981
- 21st Pioneers exhibition - Association of Fine Arts Lovers 1981 , 22nd 1982, 23rd 1983, 24th 1984, 25th 1985
- The National Competition of Arts ` The National exhibition` 1982,1983,1984,1985
- Competition of Helwan University 1982,1983,1984,1985
- Exhibition in Al-Ghury Culture Palace 1983
- Exhibition in Cairo Atelier 1984
Local recognition
- 1s prize - Competition of Faculty of Fine Arts 1981
-2nd prize - Competition of Helwan University 1982,1983,1985
- 2nd prize - Pioneers competition 1682,1983,1984
-1st prize in the National Competition 1983
- 1st prize - Competition of Helwan University 1984
- 2nd prize - The National Competition 1984, 1985
-1st prize - 25th Pioneers exhibition 1985 - Association of Fine Arts Lovers
Private collection
- At individuals in Egypt and Saudi Arabia