Curriculum Vitae
Mosbeh Kamel Mosbeh Hassan Mosbeh
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mosbeh Kamel
Birth date : 17/11/1974
Place of birth : Cairo .
Activities : Graphic
Email :

- BA from the Faculty of Fine Arts - Graphic Department , Helwan University , 2002.
Local exhibitions
- Participated in students and group exhibitions at the University.
- 41th Pioneers exhibition ( Fine Art lovers Association ) 2001 , Cairo .
- 12th Youth Salon 2000 , 14th 2002 .
- 4th Mini Works Salon 2000 , 5th 2002 .
- 6th Port Said National Biennale , 2003 .
- 15th Youth Salon 2003 , 16th 2004 .
- The National exhibition of Graphics ( session 3 ) 2005 .
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation ( 18th Youth Salon 2007) .
Publications and activities
- A workshop with Dr / Mervat al Swify .
Local recognition
- Montary prize from the Ministry of Youth and Sports,Sculpture 1999 .
- 2nd position in Graphics , Helwan University , 2000 .