Curriculum Vitae
Nihad Bahgat
Personal Data
Birth date : //1944
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Decor

- BA of Faculty of Commerce - Department of Business Administration - Ain Shams University 1965
- Painting study in the Free Department - Lenardo Davinichi Insititute
- Study of Theatre Decor from the American University
Solo shows
- Ministry of Culture held and exhibitions for his works at Akhenaton Gallery 1972
-Directing , drawing and writting idea of Short film ` No` which represented Egypt in Qalibya Festival in Tunisia and Panorama of the Egyptian Cinema - Algeria 1976
- Directing , drawing and writting the register film ` Journey` about Artist/ Seif Wenly which represented Egypt in Qartaj Festival 1974
- Design scenes of plays` Shahed mashafsh haga ` Witness didnt see anything` - Al-Mahzala `Farce` - Fout alaina bokra ` pass by us tomorrow` - Alshan khater auoniek ` for your eyes sake` - Matloub lelltagineed ` Wanted for conscription` - Al-Zaieem `Leader` - Al-Wad Said Al-Shaghal ` Servant Said` -Khashab Al-Ward ` wood of flower`
- At Bicaso Gallery 2001
Local exhibitions
- Portrait exhibition 1972
- Autumn Salon 1973
- Spring Salon - Association of Faculty of Fine Arts Alumni 1973 -1974