Curriculum Vitae
Omar Al-Moataz Bellah Mahmoud Ezz Al-Dien Mahmoud Basouny
Personal Data
Birth date : 19/10/1980
Activities : Graphic - Print
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- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Graphic Department - Helwan University
- Studied Directing in the American University - Cairo
- Fine Artist
Local exhibitions
- In Faculty of Fine Arts - Helwan University
-42nd Pioneers exhibition - Association of Fine Arts Lovers 2002
-Al-Netaq Festival of Fine Arts
- 27th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2001
- 11th , 14th and 15th Youth Salon 1999,2002,2003
-5th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2002
-43rd Pioneers exhibition - Association of Fine Arts Lovers 2003
-28th National Exhibition of Fine Arts 2003
-7th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2004
-5th Nile Salon of Photography 2004
-17th Youth Salon 2005
- Directed many works of Theatre and Cinema
Local recognition
- Won the Honory prize ` Photography` - 15th Youth Salon 2002
- 1st Prize in Photography competition ` Kodak Egypt`
- Prize of `Best director of the play ` Egyptian Citizen`
- Prize of the Philosophy writting
- Prize of the first work from the American University for Film ` Star birth`
- 1st Position in the American University for Film ` Happy man`